Peanuts snack products

  • MAME ICHIBAN A mixed peanuts product with UGUISMAME, HUKUMIMAME and IKA PEANUTS.
  • IKA PEANUTS Our basic peanuts snack product which use peanuts as core material, Modified Rice flour as middle, and powder & slices of Dried squid as outside.
  • UGUISUMAME Our representative peanuts snack using Beet sugar made in Hokkaido.
  • HUKUMIMAME Our basic peanuts snack product which use peanuts as core material, Modified Rice flour as middle, and seasoning with Soy sauce, Chili pepper and sliced Nori.
  • MANBOMAME A basic peanuts snack product which used peanuts as core material and seasoning with Soy sauce and Chili pepper.